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Then use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and available opportunities for your selected occupation. Take advantage of the customized OnLine Help feature available throughout the site. Or, use the available Desk Нажмите сюда. Bright Outlook occupations are expected to grow rapidly in the next several years, will have large numbers of job openings, or are new and emerging occupations. Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills.
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Occupations are included based on the percentage of workers employed in посмотреть еще industry. Job Families are groups of occupations based on work performed, skills, education, training, and credentials. Job Zones group occupations into one of five categories based on levels of education, experience, and training necessary to perform the occupation.
Occupations are listed that require education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics STEM disciplines. Find an occupation in the list. Use your job duties to find occupations that perform similar work. Use activities performed across different types of jobs to find occupations.
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